Mindsets of Social-Emotional Learning: Part 1 – The Research
In this two-part edWebinar series, presenters explore mindsets-based SEL from two perspectives: the researcher and the practitioner.
In this two-part edWebinar series, presenters explore mindsets-based SEL from two perspectives: the researcher and the practitioner.
The goal of this edWebinar is to focus on specific and practical methods teachers can use in their classrooms to nurture nonfiction reading skills for students in grades three through eight.
In this edWebinar, Dr. Azi Jamalian, Head of Education Strategy at littleBits, discusses the need for creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills, and how we can engage girls and boys in STEM through invention-based learning.
Plan for your class to tune in for a live interview (or watch the on-demand recording) with Medal of Honor Recipient Kyle J. White.
In this edWebinar, Maya Goodall and Lisa Frumkes, offer practical solutions to this challenge, focusing on encouraging and supporting students to use academic language while simultaneously learning content.
In this edWebinar, Dr. Zachary Wissner-Gross focuses on challenges around equivalence, comparison, and basic operations of fractions—suitable for middle school students and advanced elementary school students.
The goal of this edWebinar is to help you understand the importance of engaging in true conversations with children—conversations that are engaging because they are of interest to the child.
In this edWebinar, learn how Vancouver Public Schools in Washington developed Digital Advisory, Digital Integration, and Digital Evaluation Teams (DAT, DIT, and DET) to build shared understanding and processes for effective digital implementations.
In this edWebinar, Barbara Nesbitt and Jan Mills explore the need for high-quality single sign-on (SSO) in K–12, discusses the importance of security and rostering in our world of digital education, and provides useful tips for selecting the best solution for your district.
In this edWebinar, Michael J. Bowers, Safety Consultant for the Center for Student Travel Safety, shares how to research bus safety before booking and new laws will impact your next trip.
In this encore edWebinar, Dr. Sarah Garrity provides an overview of the Teaching and Guidance Policy Essentials Checklist (TAGPEC), an easy-to-use checklist.
In this edWebinar, Courtney Carnes, Art Therapist, Julie Hopkins, Music Therapist, and Erin Witschey, Recreational Therapist, discuss how art, music, and recreational therapy apply social skills such as turn-taking, prospective-taking, and team-building for students with autism.
In this edWebinar with Wonder Workshop, learn about ways to naturally integrate coding and robotics into your everyday teaching practices.
In this edWebinar, Dr. Bob Elwell, Director of School Partnerships for Square Panda, presents research findings of reading interventions that include visual and haptic exploration of phonemes, letters, and words via interactive tactile learning games, reading apps and tablet devices.
This edWebinar introduces the 7 Mindsets and discuss their personal and professional application. Lupita Knittel, President of 7 Mindsets, will be joined by a principal to discuss putting these ideas into practice.
In this edWebinar, Nettie Briggs, former District Instructional Technology Teacher at Klein ISD, discusses the importance of finding a standards-aligned digital literacy curriculum in relation to the ISTE, CSTA, and Common Core Standards.
In this edWebinar, Michelle Salcedo, M.Ed., Chief Academic Officer at Sunshine House Early Learning Academy, speaker, and author, provides five concrete strategies teachers can implement immediately to make their classrooms more peaceful and more fun for all.
In this edWebinar, Gary Bilezikian, President of Guidecraft, will take you on a tour of global early childhood education—from New Zealand, to Thailand, to Chile, to China—in search of nature-based environments that promote a holistic educational model.
In this edWebimar, learn how adaptive digital literacy scaffolds support a growth mindset and the grit needed to accelerate informational text proficiency.
Presented by Suzy Lolley, Instructional Technology Specialist, Cherokee County School District, Canton, GA Hosted by Common Sense Education and Sponsored by Symantec Watch the Recording If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Digital Learning & Leadership community and go to the CE Quizzes link in the Community Toolbox. Worried about… read more →
In this edWebinar, explore languages from early computing like Fortran and Logo and more recent ones like Processing, Scratch, Python.
In this edWebinar, Christina Bretz, OTR, and Keith Kline, OTR, explore how to integrate digital teaching technology into writing instruction.
In this edWebinar, Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair at New Canaan High School, CT, shares strategies to fold visual and data literacy into classroom and professional learning.
In this edWebinar, Dr. Lili M. Levinowitz, Director of Research at Music Together Worldwide, explores the ways in which participatory and enjoyable adult-child music activities can engage parents and caregivers in their child’s learning.