Presented by Dr. Debi Crimmins, Vice President, Customer Advocacy, Achieve3000
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Literacy experts agree that for students to succeed in college and career goals, mastering a 1300 Lexile® level with informational text is nonnegotiable. The question is, can you create unstoppable standards mastery and content fluency when it comes to informational text for all students? Yes, you can, by tapping into students’ grit and building passionate perseverance through adaptive digital literacy scaffolds. As educators, we have the power to create a classroom culture that values struggle and risk-taking more than just getting the right answer. Technology empowers students to read, discuss, and thrive!
We have the power to nurture a growth mindset—the belief that success comes from effort—and not a fixed mindset—the notion that people succeed because they are born with a gift of intelligence or talent. We also have the power to support all students’ academic achievement and fluency regardless of the content area, assessment, or outcome expectation.
Students need individualized strategies that allow them to own standards that propel them to the 1300 Lexile level of informational text mastery. All students deserve personal reading and writing strategies that empower them and increase their motivation to learn. Watch this recorded session led by Dr. Debi Crimmins, Vice President of Customer Advocacy for Achieve3000, and learn how adaptive digital literacy scaffolds support a growth mindset and the grit needed to accelerate informational text proficiency. This recorded edWebinar is designed for all K-12 educators, librarians, literacy leaders, and administrators.
About the Presenter
Dr. Debi Crimmins, Vice President of Customer Advocacy for Achieve3000, is a former associate superintendent of curriculum and instruction for Orange County Public Schools in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Crimmins supervised and coordinated the district’s secondary language arts department, blended learning models, intervention implementation, curriculum and instruction vertical mapping, state assessment analysis, school turnaround reform, and professional development services for all elementary, middle, and high schools.
Previously, she coordinated literacy and intervention design, language arts curriculum writing, and literacy leadership institutes as Orange County’s secondary language arts director. In addition to her administrative experience, Dr. Crimmins has taught graduate and undergraduate literacy education programs in colleges throughout Florida, where she worked with beginning to veteran educators, pulling from her classroom experience as a language arts, literacy, and intervention reading teacher in the intermediate, middle, and high school setting. She has a PhD in literacy intervention instruction, and her research has been published in the English Journal, Phi Delta Kappan, and by the ASCD, and in literacy instruction books by Christopher Gordon Publishers.
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Achieve3000 reaches all students, PreK-12+, at their individual reading levels to accelerate their learning, improve high-stakes test performance, and prepare them for college and career success.