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A Conversation on Improving School Culture

Presented by Steven W. Anderson, Digital Learning and Relationship Evangelist; with Erin Olson, Curriculum Director for Sioux Central Community School, IA; and Derek L. McCoy, Principal for West Rowan Middle School, NC WATCH THE WEBINAR RECORDING Listen to the Podcast If you attended the live session, you'll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours… read more →

Coaching Educators Builds Creative Capacity

In this webinar, participants will hear insights from Cheri Sterman, Crayola Education Director; Kelly Schofield, Principal of Hanawalt Elementary School, Des Moines, IA; and Sarah Dougherty, Visual Arts Curriculum Coordinator and Turnaround Arts Director, Des Moines, IA on how to engage adult learners, and will be asked to “make their thinking visible” throughout the conversation as the presenters model a more interactive learning experience.

Engaging Students Through High-Impact Learning Environments

Research shows a direct connection between academic achievement and the design of the physical learning environment. During this session, participants will walk away with three deliberate actions to implement in order to align their learning environment to High-Impact Learning Experiences™.

The Future Ready Challenge: Improve Student Outcomes in 18 Weeks

Presented by Dr. L. Robert Furman, Elementary Principal and Author of The Future Ready Challenge Watch the Recording If you attended the live session, you'll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours of the edWebinar. If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Leadership 3.0 community and go to the… read more →

How Online Learning Communities Help Principals Collaborate and Succeed

In this webinar, Shannon Holden, Assistant Principal, Republic Middle School, MO will show how school leaders can use online networks and communities for their own personal professional learning and to support collaboration within and across schools and districts.

Teaching Students with Literacy Problems—Including Dyslexia

Teachers and related service providers across early, middle, and secondary grades are invited to join this webinar with Dr. Nickola Wolf Nelson to gain new insights for identifying struggling readers and writers, understanding their needs, and helping them improve.

Redesigning Literacy Instruction in a Student-Centered Classroom

Presented by Steven W. Anderson, Digital Learning and Relationship Evangelist; and Shaelynn Farnsworth, Education Services Consultant for AEA 267 in Iowa Sponsored by myON Watch the Recording If you attend the live session, you'll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours of the edWebinar. If you view the recording and would like a CE… read more →

Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain

During this webinar, attendees will experience at least ten of the 20 strategies that all teachers should use to deliver instruction, regardless of the grade level or content area of the student. These brain-compatible strategies are used most often in kindergarten but should be used by all teachers to maximize memory and minimize forgetting.

45 Ways to Support Struggling Readers: A School-Wide Approach

The statistics are staggering: More than 10 million American students struggle to read, but only 2.3 million are identified and even fewer receive special help. As school leaders, we need to bridge that gap by creating a culture of reading when reading is a barrier. We need to empower and support educators with school-wide programs that embrace different learning styles and prioritize continuity from one grade to the next.

Web Accessibility 101: Regulations, Tips, and Proactive Planning

Website accessibility is about giving everyone equal access to your online content, regardless of their physical or cognitive ability. In this webinar, John Foliot and Stefani Cuschnir, accessibility experts from Deque Systems Inc., will cover the basics of accessibility, rules, and regulations impacting schools.

Discovery Learning for Infants and Toddlers: Treasure Basket Explorations

In this live, interactive webinar, Dr. Laura Wilhelm will share how and why to design treasure baskets with everyday household and natural objects at little or no cost, why plastic mass-manufactured toys are less appealing with their similar temperature and textures, bright colors, and sometimes overpowering lights and sounds, and teachers’ ideas about the best ways to incorporate heuristic activities within existing curriculum for 6- to 36-month-old children.

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