Presented by Laura Wilhelm, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, Oklahoma City University
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People who work with older children may view infants and toddlers in terms of what they cannot do yet. Treasure baskets are a supplement to regularly planned curriculum activities that showcase the amazing capabilities of children between 6 and 36 months. These baskets employ heuristic learning which presents opportunities for the child to discover through five (and more) senses. “Heuristic,” a new term for many of us, comes from the same root as “eureka,” which emphasizes discovery learning. These activities highlight how much longer very young children will attend to something when they are intrigued by it.
In this edWebinar, Dr. Laura Wilhelm shares:
Childcare providers, directors, home visitors, and mentors who work with infants and toddlers will benefit from this edWebinar. Whether you are a new or veteran childcare provider, you will walk away from this session ready to become an expert at an individual child’s interests and abilities!
About the Presenter
Dr. Laura Wilhelm is an associate professor at Oklahoma City University. She earned her Doctorate of Education at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Wilhelm has taught Pre-K through third grade and directed a child development laboratory school for children from six months through kindergarten. She is the author of Treasure Basket Explorations: Heuristic Learning for Infants and Toddlers and the co-author of The Neglected Child: How to Recognize, Respond, and Prevent. Dr. Wilhelm regularly presents at national and international early childhood conferences.
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Gryphon House, Inc. is an award-winning publisher of early childhood resources for teachers and parents.