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Why the ABC’s Aren’t as Easy as 1-2-3 for Preschoolers

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT


Presented by Laura L. Bailet, Ph.D., Nemours Children’s Health System
Sponsored by Kaplan Early Learning


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For preschoolers, learning the ABC’s requires a new way of thinking. They need to learn how to process letters and letter sounds differently and very carefully. Sometimes we use an uppercase letter, and sometimes a lowercase letter. Letter orientation is critical too. If we flip a “b” one way, it becomes “d”; if we flip it another way, it becomes “p” or “q.” This isn’t true for objects that young children play with. Many letters have more than one sound, further complicating the learning process.

In this webinar, Dr. Laura L. Bailet explores the key reasons that learning the ABC’s can be challenging both for children AND their teachers. Learn how to:

• Review the ABC challenges
• Describe developmentally-appropriate strategies to increase ABC knowledge
• Become familiar with the key benchmarks for this important milestone

Learn current best practices for enhancing alphabet knowledge in young children and gain new ideas and strategies for your classroom. This webinar is designed for preschool and kindergarten educators, administrators, and librarians as well as ESE professionals.

Laura BailetAbout the Presenter

Laura L. Bailet, Ph.D., is a licensed school psychologist and an assistant professor at the College of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic. She has expertise on a wide range of learning problems, including dyslexia and autism. Dr. Bailet established and directed the Neurocognitive Assessment Program within the Division of Neurology at Nemours Children’s Clinic, Jacksonville, FL for 18 years before creating the Nemours BrightStart! initiative. This innovative program promotes reading success and prevents reading failure by combining the fields of neuroscience, population health, child development, and education, to create powerful tools that level the playing field for all budding readers. Dr. Bailet has conducted research and published numerous journal articles and book chapters. She has won numerous community awards and is currently a member of the Library of Congress Literacy Awards Board. Dr. Bailet earned her B.A. at Wake Forest University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Northwestern University.

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Kaplan Early Learning Kaplan Early Learning Company is a leading international provider of products and services that enhance children’s learning.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
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