Presented by Eric Davis, Head of Learning and District Innovation, Classcraft
Hosted by James Shetler, Head of Mid-Market Sales, Classcraft
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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is the best tool administrators have to promote positive behavior change, and middle school is the most important place where PBIS can be implemented. Middle school is when student engagement begins to plummet, never to bounce back.
The problem? While PBIS implementations often lead to incremental improvements in behavior, they miss a larger opportunity to improve learning outcomes by neglecting the issue of student engagement.
In this edWebinar, discover why implementing a PBIS framework that focuses holistically on student engagement — and not simply behavior — is not only more likely to promote positive behavior change but to lead to measurable gains in SEL and school climate.
After viewing this edWebinar, you’ll have a better understanding of the relationship between behavior and engagement, the relative impact of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and how each can be represented within the context of PBIS, and PBIS’s potential to create a safe space for failure and experimentation that is critical to the development of middle school students.
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to school and district leaders of middle school grade levels.
About the Presenter
Eric Davis, Head of Learning and District Innovation at Classcraft, is a seasoned educator, organizational leader, product designer, fundraiser, thought partner, and professional coach. He specializes in building culture, curriculum, and programs featuring practical strategies in experiential contexts.
James Shetler has 10 years of experience helping organizations reach their goals by leveraging technology. After seeing the impact that can be made in the classroom, James eagerly joined Classcraft as its first partnership manager. Through his time at Classcraft, he has supported districts and schools to make meaningful changes to engage students and facilitated presentations at ISTE, TCEA, among others.
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By promoting happier, more engaged classrooms and stronger relationships between teachers and students, Classcraft makes teaching more fulfilling. For administrators, Classcraft’s ability to measure and promote student engagement in real-time helps them advance initiatives like PBIS, SEL, and personalized learning.