Presented by Ashley Avila, Educator, Author, and Implementation Specialist, Solution Tree
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This recorded edWebinar focuses on a standards-based approach to reading instruction that allows for flexibility and variety in materials. The discussion centers around how educators can utilize existing materials as well as AI technology to build standards-aligned resources and assessments.
Viewers learn:
This recorded edWebinar is of interest to middle and high school teachers.
View part one: Raise Reading Skills Series: Streamlining Your Small Group Reading Instruction
View part three: Raise Reading Skills Series: Using Mentor Texts to Develop Reading Skills
About the Presenter
Ashley Avila is an Implementation Specialist for Marzano Academies, a current Associate for Marzano Resources, and co-author of Teaching in a Competency-Based Secondary School: The Marzano Academies Model. Ashley has led various school-level professional development sessions, presenting on relevant standards and competency-based topics and helping lead the efforts toward utilizing proficiency scales at the school or district level.
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