Presented by Sue Thotz, Senior Program Manager, Common Sense Education; and Barbara Huth, Education Program Manager, Common Sense Education
Hosted by Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education
Sponsored by Common Sense Education
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Whether we are six feet apart or teaching online, our classrooms are going to look different this school year. No longer can we rely on our regular pair and share or group work formats, but that doesn’t mean collaboration and sharing is over. How can we take what we already know about engaging students and translate it to distanced learning experiences to build community?
In this edWebinar, learn about examples from a range of tech options that turn your in-class activities to ones you can use this fall.
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to elementary through high school teachers.
About the Presenters
Sue Thotz is the Senior Program Manager for Common Sense Education. Since 2011, Sue has been partnering with educators and administrators to create a culture where students use technology in a meaningful, thoughtful, and respectful way. Sue has provided educational leadership through keynotes, professional development workshops, conference presentations, and consulting with districts and counties on the West Coast. Prior to Common Sense, Sue was a researcher and educator. She holds a master’s degree in public health and an undergraduate degree in zoology and chemistry.
Barbara Huth is the Education Program Manager for Common Sense Education in the DC Metro/Mid-Atlantic area. She collaborates with teachers, administrators, and education leaders to build a culture of digital citizenship, well-being, and engagement within our school communities. She has over 14 years of experience in education and prior to joining Common Sense, Barbara was a National Board Certified High School AP and IB Science Teacher. She holds a bachelor’s degree in integrated health studies from Kent State University and a master’s degree in comprehensive science education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
About the Host
Jennifer Ehehalt is the Pittsburgh Regional Manager at Common Sense Education. Jennifer has over 20 years of experience in education. She continues to partner with state-level organizations, school districts, and community organizations across the nation to help integrate Common Sense education resources. Jennifer provides educational leadership through consultation with school districts, professional development (both in-person and virtual), conference presentations, and parent universities. Jennifer sits on the Advisory Council for Kidsburgh and is a champion for Remake Learning Days Across America. Jennifer has a B.S. in elementary education and an M.Ed. in educational leadership. Jennifer was recently named 2019 Alumni of the Year from Edinboro University.
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Common Sense Education develops high-quality digital citizenship programs and digital teaching resources, providing educators and students with the digital learning tools they need to harness the power of technology for life.