Teaching Digital Photography: Seven Essential Elements for Instructional Success
Digital photography is a multimedia skill that can be applied to many instructional situations –from creative artistic assignments to curriculum-based presentation projects. Media specialists across the country are using their creativity and multimedia knowledge to teach digital photography elective classes.
In this webinar, presented by the LMC @ The Forefront Community at edWeb.net, Keith Kyker shared his classroom-proven ideas, lessons, and projects in this fast-paced presentation. Keith Kyker, author of Teaching Digital Photography, began with the seven elements that are essential for a successful digital photography classroom. You will learn about the importance of establishing a classroom philosophy and defining clear instructional objectives, plus important management policies for your class. Keith also provided guidance for selecting the software that your students need to explore the capabilities of the digital photography medium.
The presentation also covered photography instruction, including tips for presenting the topics to your students, as well as the basics of photo editing, including the step-by-step process that Keith uses in his classroom. Learn about basic digital image layout, and explore creative and commercial projects that your students will love. Invite a teacher to this interactive session and make plans for an exciting new class at your school!
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LMC @ The Forefront is a professional learning community (PLC) here school librarians, district librarians, and school library LMS students can collaborate on all aspects of being a K-12 library media professional. This program is sponsored by Library Media Connection and ABC-CLIO.
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