Makerspaces: The Now Revolution in School Libraries


LMC MakerspacesOur student’s needs, interests, talents, and attentions continually evolve. School librarians are progressive and proactive, and adapt to create new ways to connect to patrons and re-envision the facility to better facilitate changes in those patrons. Considering the new wave of participatory learners and the change in schools to more student-led learning, the impact on engaging patrons in school libraries is tremendous, making the library a destination. One hot topic hitting public and school libraries is makerspaces where students (and sometimes staff and parents) create, problem solve, and develop thinking. In this webinar, presented by the LMC @ The Forefront community on, Leslie Preddy explained what a makerspace in a library is and why it is needed for today’s learner. You will walk away energized and excited to get a makerspace, big or small, created in your own library!

Earn your CE Certificate for viewing this recording: Join the free LMC @ The Forefront on community and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar.  Past webinars, presentation slides, and CE quizzes are available in the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox.

LMC @ The Forefront is a professional learning community (PLC) here school librarians, district librarians, and school library LMS students can collaborate on all aspects of being a K-12 library media professional.  This program is sponsored by Library Media Connection and ABC-CLIO.

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