This edWebinar will show attendees where to find trusted resources for health and travel advisories, destination-specific facts, healthy ways to travel with students, and what to understand if you are considering changing your group’s travel plans.
In this edWebinar, Sheryl Hill, Founder of Depart Smart, will discuss how to help students become global citizens by preparing them with essential travel safety skills.
In this edWebinar, you’ll learn tried-and-true tips from an educator with student travel expertise. You’ll walk away with a student behavior management checklist that promotes a positive learning environment, no matter where you’re going.
In this edWebinar, Michael J. Bowers, Safety Consultant for the Center for Student Travel Safety, shares how to research bus safety before booking and new laws will impact your next trip.
Setting up a structure for fundraising to support your students who want to travel is crucial regardless of their family income. Educational travel can be made attainable for all students if you create a plan and stick with it. Carrie A. Olson, PhD, Researcher and Teacher at West Leadership Academy, Denver Public Schools, presented with Carylann Assante, CAE, Executive Director of SYTA and the SYTA Youth Foundation, in “How We Helped 800 Students Participate in Educational Travel: Proven Tools and Tips.” The experts shared tips on planning for educational travel to make it accessible for all students.
In this edWebinar, learn how to set up a structure for fundraising to support your students who want to travel, regardless of their family income.
In this webinar, Carylann Assante, Executive Director of the SYTA Youth Foundation, will share everything you and your students need to raise funds to support student travel and other educational projects
The Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA) is sponsoring the newly launched, free professional learning community (PLC) Teach & Travel on In today’s globalizing world, experiences outside the classroom are equally as important as inside. In fact, 24% of all tourism is student tourism, and 12% of that number is students ages 10-17. However, finding the means for student travel can be difficult, especially for low-income schools.
In this webinar, Faye Brenner, the author of Transforming Student Travel: A Resource Guide for Educators, will share how you can help your students develop a host of valuable learning skills through travel.
The Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA) has released the findings of a landmark, global study that gauges the impact of travel on students. During this webinar, SYTA’s Executive Director Carylann Assante will share facts from the study that will shed light on the tremendous opportunity that exists to enhance learning through travel