Presented by Charles Field, CEO, School Family Media; and Dr. Kara Stern, Head of Content, SchoolStatus
Moderated by Dyanne Griffin, Vice President of Product, TeacherLists
In this edWebinar, Dr. Julie Evans shares the results of a three-year analysis of the changing environment and expectations for education communications.
Parents today want more information from their children’s teachers and schools, but they also want that information to be timely, targeted, and personalized to their children or their interest areas. The latest data from Speak Up Research Project gives insights on school to home communications. In “Text, Twitter, Email, Call—What Do Parents Say About School Communications?” Dr. Julie Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Project Tomorrow, shared these insights from parents, educators, and administrators, and discussed takeaways from the research.
Presented by Dr. Julie Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Project Tomorrow Sponsored by Blackboard Watch the Recording If you attended the live session, you’ll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours of the edWebinar. If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Family Engagement & Community Outreach in K-12 community… read more →