Presented by Dr. Cassondra Thaddies, VP, Partner and Client Engagement, LINC, the Learning Innovation Catalyst; and Megan Gross, Program Support Specialist, Supporting Inclusive Practices
Both IEPs and edtech share a similar promise: helping deliver personalized learning so that every child reaches their potential. But while IEPs focus on reaching kids who have already experienced difficulties, edtech is supposed to level the field before students have issues.
Presented by Richard K. Cohen, Assistant Superintendent, Metuchen School District (NJ); Mark Wojciechowski, Senior Director of Education Partnerships, Varsity Tutors; and Brian Galvin, Chief Academic Officer, Varsity Tutors
Presented by Paige Cullen Pullen, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer, Lastinger Center for Learning, University of Florida; and Sarah DeCotis, National Literacy Director, Age of Learning
Presented by Dr. Juli Dixon, Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Central Florida
Moderated by Siobhan Nordstrom, Product Marketing Manager, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Presented by Christine McLaughlin, Sixth Grade Advanced Academics Teacher, Fairfax County Public Schools (VA); and Jered Borup, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Division of Learning Technologies, George Mason University (VA)
Join us for this edWebinar, as participants will learn how integrating a child’s sociocultural structures and reinforcing those connections through in-school activities can elevate a student’s overall educational experience.
At this stage of the edtech revolution, most educators are focused on using tech to enhance lessons rather than on the tech itself. But many times tech is only integrated at specific points in the classroom or with a specific tool as determined by the teacher. At St. Albans City School (VT), SETDA’s 2018 Student Voices Award Winner, though, educators encourage the students to find places in their everyday work to incorporate digital resources, especially from their makerspace. In the edWebinar “Students Leverage Technology Tools and Makerspaces to Personalize Learning,” Grace Borst, Innovation Specialist at St. Albans City School, and several of her students explained how they’re using technology for assessment, service work, and more.
In this edWebinar, learn how SETDA’s 2018 Student Voices Award Winner, St. Albans City School in VT, embraces technology tools to personalize instruction.
With personalization becoming a growing initiative in schools, the library is a valuable asset for personalizing instruction around student needs. Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School, CT, with guest Jackie Whiting, Librarian at New Canaan High School, CT, presented in the webinar, “Personalizing Instruction Through the Library,” hosted by and sponsored by Mackin Educational Resources. Michelle and Jackie discussed how the library can personalize instruction through assessing, reading, learning, and making.