This edWebinar will explore design models that guide innovative thinking and share examples of effective integration in K-12 learning environments.
Good questions can be used equally well for instruction and assessment, often at the same time. Various technology options are available for the teacher, all the way from selection and formatting of questions to delivery through PowerPoint presentations, software for interactive whiteboards, teacher or school web pages, or any handheld device (smartphones and tablets).
School leadership can be challenging, and leadership at a virtual school can present its own set of challenges. Whether it’s working with remote faculty members or statewide enrollments, evaluating the performance of virtual instructors, or partnering with hundreds of brick and mortar schools – being a virtual school leader can be a much different experience than leading at a traditional school.
What’s the best way to get teachers trained and confident in using technology? One school district shares the idea of developing a Technology Academy for teachers, with the goals of infusing more technology into the curriculum and giving teachers access to the most innovative technologies for use in the classroom.