It’s fractions versus decimals! In this edWebinar, Dr. Drew Corley makes the case for fractions, while Dr. Zach Wissner-Gross argues on behalf of decimals.
ORIGO Education is offering a live stream education seminar, Making the Most of Math Models, May 10 at 3:00 p.m. EDT on The edWebinar will help teachers use meaningful visual and concrete math models to support coherent content progressions in mathematics across grade levels. ORIGO president and co-founder, James Burnett, will introduce four visual models often used in grades Pre-K–6 and lead a discussion about the benefits of using the array/area model for developing multiplication facts. He will also show how the thinking can be extended through grade levels.
Presented by James Burnett, President and Co-founder, ORIGO Education Sponsored by ORIGO Education Watch the Recording If you attended the live session, you’ll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours of the edWebinar. If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Mathematics for Young Learners community and go to… read more →
In this webinar from the Algebra Readiness Project and IXL Learning, participants walk away with immediately actionable strategies for coaching teachers, aligning curricula, and tweaking classroom instruction to increase alignment and accelerate student fluency in mathematics.
Join us for a live, interactive webinar where we’ll take a look at Open Educational Resources (OER) through the lens of elementary math.
In this webinar, Dr. Sara Delano Moore will share activities which use Rekenreks, ten frames, and base ten blocks to help young children connect counting with operations.
In this webinar, Dr. Sara Delano Moore will share activities which progress from working with counters to working with Rekenreks and ten frames. Join Sara to explore strategies for developing early number sense through counting.