For the last decade, school districts have been struggling with teacher attrition rates, as the average “burnout” rate for incoming teachers has been approximately five to seven years. While state and local education agencies have been working on various strategies to get more teachers in the classroom, a new crisis has emerged: attrition in educational leadership.
Unleashing Your Leadership Potential: A Panel for Aspiring Superintendents and District Trailblazers
Presented by Doug Roberts, Founder and CEO, Institute for Education Innovation; Dr. Shawn Joseph, Assistant Professor/Co-Director of Urban Superintendent Academy, Howard University (D.C.); Dr. Joe Mullikin, Incoming Superintendent, Meridian School District (IL); Dr. Barbara Mullen, Superintendent, Rush-Henrietta Central School District (NY); and Tammy Williams, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Greensburg Community School Corporation (IN)