Seeing the (Virtual) World Through Others’ Eyes: A Game-Based Approach to Developing More Positive Relationships

Presented by Geoff Marietta: Doctoral Candidate at Harvard Graduate School of Education; and Elisabeth Hahn: Doctoral Candidate at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Co-hosted by and the Education Division of Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)

Sponsored by BrainPOP and Wowzers


View the webinar Seeing the (Virtual) World Through Others’ Eyes: A Game-Based Approach to Developing More Positive Relationships

Intuitively, our capacity to understand, compromise, and foster positive relationships with others should be greatly enhanced by our ability to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.” In our community’s next webinar, researchers from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education will share the results of a series of studies they conducted on using a game-based virtual environment and negotiation exercise.   Harvard Doctoral Candidates Geoff Marietta and Elisabeth Hahn will present their findings, which show that walking around in someone else’s (virtual) shoes does indeed encourage compromise and facilitate more positive relationships. In addition, they will explore how these studies shed light on the vast potential for game-based virtual environments to improve the many different types of relationships found in education – student-student, teacher-student, family-school, or central office-school.  

Quotes from this session:

“I could see in this working in almost every facet of the school. For students on the playground, in the halls, or in the classrooms; and for professionals in their relationships with other colleagues”

“I like the previous chart that was posted. It gave me a few ideas of how I can relate this to my math classes”

“Thank You! Great Presentation”

“Very interesting insights…thanks and keep up the great work!”

To take the CE Quiz and access the resources for this session visit the professional learning community Game-Based Learning

About the Community

Game-Based Learning is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides educators, game developers, researchers, and industry executives with a place to learn, ask questions, discuss topics, and share information about games and learning.

The community hosts free monthly webinars and live chats with leaders in the field that are highly engaging and interactive.  Online discussions provide an easy way to continue the conversation and share ideas and experiences with peers across the country, and around the world.

About the Presenters

Geoff Marietta is a doctoral student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His research interests focus on how social interactions and organizational structures influence collaboration and learning. Earlier in his career, Geoff taught high school special education and was an assistant principal on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico.   He earned a BS from the University of Montana, and an MAT in Special Education from Western New Mexico University.

Elisabeth Hahn is a doctoral student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research interests involve crisis leadership on college campuses and improving emergency response through enhanced team functioning. After graduating from Duke, she worked at the university as an undergraduate admissions officer and then went on to earn an Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

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