Regional Support Models for Sustaining School Gardens
Across the nation, foundations, non-profits, school districts, state, and university programs are working to institutionalize school gardens. These “Regional Support Models” work to provide funding, empower garden champions, build partnerships, and lay the foundation for long-term sustainability of school garden programs. In the Growing School Gardens community’s March webinar, Life Lab’s Director of Programs and Partnerships, John Fisher, shared various ways that organizations across the nation have created a “culture” of school gardening in their region. From small district garden programs with four schools to larger organizations that network with over 100 schools, examples were shared of how support organizations can sustain school gardens. John was joined by Park Guthrie, Oakland Unified School District’s Garden Education Specialist, who shared his work supporting 60+ gardens in his district. Through his work, Park has garnered a concise understanding of what it takes to make garden programs succeed and will share the ins and outs of overseeing multiple gardens. Together, John and Park, demonstrated ideas on how to institutionalize and sustain multiple garden projects in a region.
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Growing School Gardens is a professional learning community (PLC) for educators, gardeners, parents, and community volunteers to come together to share information and resources on how to start and maintain a school garden, and integrate it into the curriculum, the life of a school, and the local community.
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