Play, Mod, Design: Empowering Youth Through Games


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In this month’s webinar for the Game-Based Learning community, presenters Eliza Spang and Brendon Trombley of Institute of Play discussed using games to engage students in empowering new ways.  Students can use games to demonstrate what they learned while teaching each other. Brendon and Eliza explored how games can engage students in learning and simultaneously encourage application of critical skills like creativity, problem-solving, persistence, resilience, and collaboration. At Quest to Learn, a public middle and high school in New York City developed by the non-profit Institute of Play, teachers use games in a multitude of ways – to introduce new material, to create practice spaces for skill and knowledge-building, and to assess learning. The presenters shared examples, insights, and resources from Quest to Learn that can help you use games, game design and the power of play to engage students in learning content and developing 21st century skills in exciting and innovative ways.

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Game-Based Learning is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides educators, game developers, researchers, and industry executives with a place to learn, ask questions, discuss topics, and share information about games and learning.

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