Guided Inquiry Design and the Common Core
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are upon us. As we are in a time of great transition with these new expectations, we can react with dismay or see it as a grand opportunity for change. These standards tell us what to teach but do not tell us how. This is the opportunity. Right now, we have a chance to shift to the needs of today’s learners through an inquiry approach. Guided Inquiry Design is a new framework based on researched principles of learning that include an integrated process approach to subject area content, and is set up to be a powerful way to accomplish the rigor required of the Common Core. In this session for the LMC @ The Forefront community, presenter Leslie Kuhlthau Maniotes, PhD, Administrator in the Denver Public Schools, curriculum specialist, and national consultant on inquiry learning presented on how to use Guided Inquiry Design to achieve rigor, college and career readiness, in a learning centered approach necessary to meet the CCSS.
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