Why Formative Assessments Matter


ClassFlow 1409Assessments play a large part in the learning of students and our understanding as teachers. And while summative assessments are important, the true understanding of learning comes from the formative kind. This edWeb.net ReEnergize Today’s Connected Classroom webinar examined what formative assessments look like and how digital tools can enhance our ability to know what our students know.  Presenter Steven Anderson, Content and Relationship Evangelist for Promethean, provided practical tools for formative assessment and guidance on classroom implementation.  Watch the webinar recording to learn all about this important topic and how to incorporate it into your classroom.

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ReEnergize Today’s Connected Classroom is a free online professional learning community (PLC) that shows teachers how they can use technology to revolutionize the learning process and the entire learning environment.  The community will feature free webinars and online discussions so teachers anywhere in the world can share ideas and resources on reinventing the classroom!  This program is sponsored by ClassFlow.

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