Feast for Every Season

This month’s webinar explored new ways to invite students, parents, and community members to be part of your school garden experience.  Nino La Stella, Greenhouse Director for the Montclair Public Schools in New Jersey, shared A Feast for Every Season, a Mount Hebron Middle School Greenhouse program that enables its students to appreciate the rhythm of the seasons and gave details about the multiple seasonal celebrations that are part of this year-round program.  He also talked about the middle school’s harvest festival, winter soup share, spring plant sale, and summer community garden.

Quotes from the Session

“Glad to be a part of this meeting of interested and motivated community minded people”

“Very inspiring, thank you”

“Really great webinar!”


Click to view the webinar “Feast for Every Season”

Co-hosted by edWeb.net and the National Farm to School Network

Presented by  Nino La Stella, Greenhouse Director, Montclair Public Schools, New Jersey

To take the CE Quiz and access the resources for this session visit the professional learning community Growing School Gardens

School gardens are a growing initiative to help children understand where their food comes from and how their food choices impact their bodies, the environment, and their communities at large.

A school garden can have an impact on the entire life and educational program of school and the surrounding community. Gardening activities can be incorporated into nearly every curriculum subject to enhance the appreciation of the natural world, and to provide hands-on learning activities for students.

This online learning community is a place for educators, gardeners, parents, and community volunteers to come together to share information and resources on how to start and maintain a school garden, and integrate it into the curriculum and the life of a school.

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