Challenging Behaviors in Young Children: What to Do When Nothing Else Works
There is widespread concern over the increasing frequency of challenging behaviors being exhibited by young children. The number of young children in preschool with challenging behaviors is one of the leading concerns of teachers, administrators, and parents. This dynamic edWeb webinar focused on providing participants with knowledge of effective and appropriate prevention and intervention strategies for children who exhibit challenging behavior. This session, presented by the Classroom Management for Early Learning community, focused on the latest research in the field of early childhood on best practices of identifying, preventing, and intervening with young children who exhibit behavioral problems. Developmental psychologist, Dr. William DeMeo, helped participants to determine the function of the challenging behavior in order to understand why it is occurring; identify the four variables impacting challenging behaviors; and develop individualized strategies to intervene with challenging behaviors.
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Classroom Management for Early Learning is a free online professional learning community (PLC) that helps early childhood educators share resources, tools, best practices and more to help them create healthy, creative and happy learning environments that support early learning and child development. The community hosts online discussions that make it easy for educators to stay connected over time with fellow teachers to share ideas, practices, examples, and lesson plans. The community is a growing resource center with webinar archives, CE quizzes, and support materials that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This program is sponsored by Kaplan Early Learning Company.
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Thank you. Very good session. I also really appreciated the additional material and ideas. I hope to be implementing soon.