Celebrate Digital Citizenship Week! Oct. 19-25

DigCitWeek-heroWe’re proud to be in partnership with Common Sense Education to celebrate the Second Annual Digital Citizenship Week – October 19-25. Join us to shine a spotlight on the importance of helping kids learn how to create safe, responsible digital lives. Check out these resources and learn how Common Sense Education’s whole-community approach engages everyone — from educators and students to parents, district officials, and community leaders.

Every day, your students are tested with each post, search, chat, text message, file download, and profile update. Do they connect with like minds or spill too much information? Do they behave creatively or borrow ideas recklessly? Do they respect relationships or inadvertently damage reputations?

Join Common Sense Education for Digital Citizenship Week and engage students, teachers, and families in your community in thinking critically, behaving safely, and participating responsibly online. It’s a great way to celebrate Connected Educator Month, so dive into the suggested activities and resources. And be sure to post what you’re doing to the Connected Educator Month calendar and tag your plans as “DigitalCitizenshipWeek” to inspire others to get involved.

Common Sense Education hosts two communities on edWeb.net. Join today to get involved!

Digital Citizenship
Digital Classroom: Teaching with Tech