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Catalyzing Change Through Zones of Innovation

This edWebinar will explore strategies for engaging the community and catalyzing change through Zones of Innovation which redesign the classroom experience.

Creating Language Success for Your District

This edWebinar will discuss the evolution of how technology has changed and improved K-12 language learning and present examples of what a language learning implementation looks like in today’s classroom or district.

Development Through the Eyes of an ELL Child

This edWebinar will provide a well-rounded perspective of how young children are building language, physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and motor development skills.

Essential Early Literacy Skills: What’s Missing?

In this edWebinar, you will learn how handwriting can boost literacy scores and is essential for overall literacy success and evaluate your year through a literacy lens to find what might be missing.

Edtech Usage Data: Key to Planning Efficacy Research

In this edWebinar, we will walk through several examples of how different companies have used their usage data, combined with publicly available school demographic data, to identify and characterize school and district users that are the strongest product implementers.

Getting Started with Coding and Robotics in K–8 Classrooms

In this edWebinar, a technology integrationist and an instructional technology specialist who began with no experience in coding and robotics will show you why they fell in love with coding and robotics, their lessons learned, and best practices for making a program work for you and your students.

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