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Support Struggling Readers Alongside Their Peers

Wednesday, August 30, 2017 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

General Education Classroom

Presented by Terrie Noland, National Director, Educator Engagement for Learning Ally
Sponsored by Learning Ally

Watch the Recording

If you attended the live session, you’ll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours of the edWebinar. If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Empowering Struggling Readers community and go to the edWebinar Archives folder to take the CE quiz.

When students are identified as struggling readers in a tiered system of support (RTI/MTSS) process, it’s very easy to pull them out of the classroom to give them individualized instruction and support to address the gaps in their learning. However, this strategy keeps students away from class culture, away from important instruction and away from their friends—which can impact them socially.

In this edWebinar, Learning Ally’s Terrie Noland explores:

  • Specific accommodations and tools to support student’s right in the general education classroom
  • Specific examples of how educators make the learning environment cohesive, yet differentiated, all at the same time
  • Pacing and implementing lesson plans for a positive, powerful impact on struggling readers

This recorded session is designed for K-8 administrators, general education teachers and special education teachers, as well as school librarians. Learn how to support struggling readers in their general education classroom alongside their peers!
Terrie Noland

About the Presenter

Terrie Noland is the National Director, Educator Engagement for Learning Ally. She has more than 22 years of experience as both a trainer and developer of content for educators and administrators. Her focus for the past five years has been on the pedagogical practices needed to create effective environments for students with dyslexia. Terrie has trained groups numbering in the thousands helping to build better understanding of working with struggling readers. She is currently pursuing certification as an academic language therapist.


Join the Empowering Struggling Readers community to network with educators, participate in online discussions, receive invitations to upcoming edWebinars, view past edWebinars, take a quiz to receive a CE certificate for a past edWebinar, and access free resources.

Watch the Recording

learning ally Learning Ally empowers students who read and learn differently so that they may thrive. We help them to overcome obstacles and discover strengths, as we guide them along a path that ensures success.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
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