Presented by Marisa Labadini, Social & Content Manager, Unruly Studios; and Shannon Miller, Library Media Specialist and Innovation Director, Van Meter Community School (IA)
Sponsored by Unruly Splats
Closed captioning will be added to the recording within 2 weeks of the live presentation.
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In this edWebinar, Shannon Miller, a district library media specialist, will discuss how collaborative learning fosters cross-curricular education and builds a strong school community.
Viewers will learn:
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to librarians, technology integration specialists, tech coaches, school leaders, and STEM specialists of the kindergarten through middle school levels.
About the Presenters
Marisa Labadini is the social and content manager at Unruly Studios. She is a senior at the University of New Hampshire pursuing a bachelors’ degree in marketing and entrepreneurial studies. For the past two years, she has been a peer advisor, where she has guided first-year students through a mentorship program designed to cement the foundation of their college experience. This has sparked her interest in providing students with resources that can lead them to success. Follow Marisa on Twitter @Unruly_Studios.
Shannon McClintock Miller is the district teacher librarian and innovation director at Van Meter Community School in Iowa and Future Ready Librarians spokesperson working with students, librarians, educators and others around the world every day. She is Buncee’s Librarian Advisor, Capstone Publishing’s Librarian on the Street, and an MIE Global Learning Mentor. Shannon is the author of the award-winning The Library Voice blog. She has published four children’s books about library skills and eight graphic novels in the series Adventures in Makerspace with Capstone and Cantata Learning. Shannon and Bill Bass published a book with ISTE, Leading from the Library.
In 2011, Shannon was awarded the Connecting People Shorty Award and was chosen to be part of the SLJ New Leaders Program in 2012. In 2013, she was named one of the Faces of Innovation from Broadband for America; one of 50 featured in the 2013 Center for Digital Education Yearbook; and one of the featured Connected Educators with the Connected Educators Project partnered with the U.S. Department of Education. In 2014, Shannon was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker. In 2016, she was awarded the Making it Happen Award by ISTE. In 2018, she was named the AASL Social Media Superstar Leadership Luminary. In 2020, Shannon was an EdTech Awards Leadership Finalist. And in 2021 was named the Unruliest Library Media Specialist from Unruly Splats!
And her most favorite roles of all… She is mom to amazing children and lucky wife of Eric. Follow Shannon on Twitter @shannonmmiller, on Instagram @shannonmmiller, and on her blog
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Unruly Splats introduces coding for kids through physically active games. Students program Splats with our block coding app and write the rules that tell Splats when to light up and make sounds when they are stomped on! Students code their own games with Splats and play them with classmates! Think whack-a-mole, relay races, and red light green light! Splats are built to be stomped on and are iPad and Chromebook compatible.