Presented by Lisa McManus, US Partnership and Program Manager, Worldreader; and Kristen Walter, US Director of Programs, Worldreader
Presented by Marisa Labadini, Social & Content Manager, Unruly Studios; and Shannon Miller, Library Media Specialist and Innovation Director, Van Meter Community School (IA) announces Mackin Educational Resources as the new sponsor of Emerging Tech, a free professional learning community (PLC) that helps librarians integrate technology into school library programs. The Emerging Tech community began in 2010 and has over 10,000 members who are on the leading edge of transforming libraries into centers for 21st century learning. Librarians have been increasingly recognized as leaders in using technology and digital resources to transform learning.
Digital collection development is integral to the “future ready” pledge. As the number of districts committing to personalizing instruction through digital learning grows, so does the demand for digital content. Join us for a webinar with Michelle Luhtala, Library Department chair at New Canaan High School in Connecticut (a 2015 Library Journal Mover & Shaker) and Andy Marcinek, Former Chief Open Education Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education. They will discuss what’s new in digital collection development, including the #GoOpen initiative, and how to make all resources discoverable, accessible, and usable for all learners.
Digital libraries are much more than just eBooks! This webinar provided an overview of the various resources available to begin a digital library, as well as ways to share these resources with your teachers and students.