Presented by Adam Hengel, Manager of Instructional Services, West Allis-West Milwaukee School District, West Allis, WI; with Kelly Urlacher, Senior Curriculum Designer, DreamBox Learning
Sponsored by DreamBox Learning
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Effective data-driven instruction isn’t just about accumulating data. Districts and schools need credible evidence to make decisions that move both educators and learners forward in their mathematics achievement. In this edWebinar, learn strategies to build a data-driven culture that is deeply connected to instruction and learning—and promotes an equitable approach to mathematics.
Adam Hengel, Manager of Instructional Services at West Allis-West Milwaukee School District in West Allis, WI, and Kelly Urlacher, Senior Curriculum Designer at DreamBox Learning, discuss how to:
All school- and district-based leaders as well as educators are invited to watch this recorded edWebinar. Gain insights on understanding and using data to improve teaching and learning.
About the Presenters
Adam Hengel is the manager of instructional services for the West Allis-West Milwaukee School District in West Allis, WI. In serving the West Allis community, Adam has been in the role of high school physics/biology teacher, assistant principal, and principal. Within Instructional Services, Adam focuses on using data as an avenue for school improvement planning, identifying gaps within teaching/learning and curriculum, and as an opportunity for collaboration amongst staff both at the building and district level. By focusing on data as an opportunity for improvement rather than just another “thing” to collect, teachers can effectively tailor instruction to meet the students where they are at, allowing for a strong option to personalize learning for each student in the classroom.
Kelly Urlacher started her education career as a teacher in 2002. She has her national boards and masters in technology and curriculum development. Kelly taught sixth grade for 10 years and has a passion for math. She jokes that she loved to “infect” her students with the love of math. Kelly is now a senior curriculum designer for DreamBox Learning, where she has the opportunity to create lessons, develop technology-based teacher partnerships, and influence the way students learn math.
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DreamBox Learning Math offers a groundbreaking combination of intelligent adaptive learning, rigorous elementary mathematics curriculum, and motivating learning environment. The innovative DreamBox platform captures every decision a student makes while working in the program and adjusts the student’s learning path appropriately, providing millions of individualized learning paths, each one tailored to a student’s unique needs.