Presented by Kate Pechacek, M.Ed. C&I, Solutions Engineer, Illuminate Education
Sponsored by Illuminate Education
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Districts today are focused on providing connection, well-being, and remote learning for students while simultaneously anticipating significant academic and social-emotional needs in the fall due to COVID-19. Educators can take action today to prevent learning loss now and create a flexible plan to help each learner recover lost ground and significantly grow throughout the coming school year.
Join us for an edWebinar that will help your team take a data-driven approach to making equitable, expedited decisions to support whole child needs (academic, social-emotional, and behavioral)—whether in a remote or onsite environment.
In this edWebinar, participants will:
This edWebinar will be of interest to kindergarten through high school teachers, school and district leaders, assessment leaders, instructional coaches, data analysts, data specialists, and assessment specialists.
About the Presenter
Kate Pechacek is Director of Solutions Engineering at Illuminate Education and has nearly 25 years of experience in teaching and learning. She started out in the classroom as a secondary math teacher before taking on roles as Secondary Curriculum Coordinator, District-Wide MTSS Coordinator, and Director of Secondary Education. At Illuminate, she works with educators nationwide to help them deepen and enrich their approaches to equity and leveraging data to support each student.
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Illuminate Education partners with K-12 educators to equip them with data to serve the whole child and reach new levels of student performance. Our solution brings together holistic data and collaborative tools and puts them in the hands of educators. Illuminate supports over 17 million students and 5200 districts/schools.