Presented by Takeru “TK” Nagayoshi, Professional Learning Director, Community Events, Panorama Education; and Jessica Jackson, Director of Professional Learning, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise
Moderated by Barbara Pape, Senior Director, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise
Presented by Hall Davidson, Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives, Discovery Education
Join us for an edWebinar that will help your team take a data-driven approach to making equitable, expedited decisions to support whole child needs (academic, social-emotional, and behavioral)—whether in a remote or onsite environment.
n this webinar, Dr. Richard Cash, Ed.D will discuss doable, evidence-based practices to help students engage in learning, build confidence, set and manage goals, develop habits of thinking, do effective home study, and reflect on their learning. Dr. Cash will share real stories of students who achieved success through SRL skills; he’ll also provide a framework for both classroom practices and schoolwide implementation.
In this webinar, NAEYC presenter and occupational therapist, Dr. Marianne Gibbs, will present essential education on the fine motor development of young children 3-6 years old with a focus on the whole child.