Presented by Dr. Gene Kerns, Chief Academic Officer, Renaissance
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Given the new accountability models driven by ESSA, it’s no longer enough to focus solely on proficiency. We’re also required to show that students are growing within and across school years—and that they’re developing the knowledge and skills they’ll need for success in an increasingly competitive world.
In this edWebinar for education leaders, an assessment expert shares insights on analyzing student growth scores, along with tips for using growth data to enhance curriculum in your school and across your district. Explore:
This recorded edWebinar will be of value to kindergarten through high school principals, school and district leaders, assessment directors, curriculum directors, and federal program directors.
About the Presenter
Gene Kerns, Ed.D., is Vice President and Chief Academic Officer at Renaissance and a nationally acclaimed speaker on assessment, learning progressions, and educational standards. He is co-author of the book Unlocking Student Talent: The New Science of Developing Expertise (Teachers College Press, 2017).
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Renaissance creates student-centered programs that give educators insights and resources to effectively target instruction, accelerate growth, and help every student build a strong foundation for success.