Presented by Sara Smith, Creative Director, FableVision Learning; and Stephanie Corrente, Senior Learning Leader, Eduscape
Sponsored by FableVision Learning and Eduscape
Closed captioning will be added to the recording within 2 weeks of the live presentation.
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Creativity is not art. It is a mindset that impacts both social and emotional well-being and problem-solving for teachers. Creativity can be developed; it is not inherited. Thus, a teacher with a creative mindset approaches challenges of the school structure differently and approaches challenges displayed by students differently. A teacher with a creative mindset develops a teaching style that imbues this mindset in their students and provides students with creative tools. Thus, the creative teacher creates a positive feedback loop and can impact outcomes.
In this recorded edWebinar, viewers will:
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to preK-12 teachers, school and district leaders, librarians, STEM teachers and coaches, and curriculum directors.
About the Presenters
Sara Smith is Creative Education Development Manager for FableVision Learning. She holds a Master of Science in creativity from the International Center for Studies in Creativity at SUNY College at Buffalo. Sara is compelled by learning and its intersection with creativity, and her vision is to develop and support creative communities that help people to grow and to nurture their passions and strengths.
Stephanie Corrente was an English as a second language teacher before joining Eduscape as a senior learning leader. As an educator, she has enjoyed teaching and learning alongside every unique learner and has always made it a priority to learn and grow to be the best educator she can be. Stephanie is a Google for Education Certified Trainer. She received her graduate degree in teaching English to speakers of other languages from the New School and an undergraduate degree in linguistics with a minor in Chinese language from the College of Staten Island.
Closed captioning will be added to the recording within 2 weeks of the live presentation.
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FableVision’s mission is to help educators inspire their students to develop and strengthen the essential skills of creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking and compassion by providing hands-on meaningful, authentic learning experiences to help all learners realize their true potential. Their “200-year mission” is to develop, discover, and share creative learning tools that help educators and students move their lives — and the world — to a better place.
Eduscape is the leading professional learning organization in North America. Our team is comprised almost entirely of former classroom teachers and school leaders who average over 10 years of teaching experience. We are a Google National Training Partner in Education, a Microsoft Global Education Partner, and the highest rated ISTE Certification Partner based on participant scores. We also partner with districts and schools to “rethink learning” in social emotional learning, culturally responsive teaching and digital citizenship.