What improves academic skills and heightens student confidence? High-impact tutoring, which can be a game-changer for learning outcomes. When implemented thoughtfully, such programs can have a long-term impact on student achievement.
Presented by Sara Geliebter, Associate Manager, Tutoring and Grants, San Francisco Education Fund; Air Orona, Site Director, Real Options for City Kids, Visitacion Valley Elementary School (CA); and Connie Warren, M.Ed., Thought Leadership, BookNook
It’s a long-proven truth that some students need tutoring outside the classroom, which was especially shown during the pandemic. For many students, this means the difference between success and failure. But how does one go about helping students get the tutoring they need?
Presented by Anthony Salcito, Chief Institution Business Officer, Varsity Tutors for Schools
Presented by Brent Mitchell, Chief of Staff, Ferguson-Florissant School District (MO); Anthony Salcito, Chief Institutional Business Officer, Varsity Tutors for Schools; Hillary Knudson, Vice President, K12 Strategy and Research, Whiteboard Advisors; and Linda Jacobson, Senior Writer, The 74
Both IEPs and edtech share a similar promise: helping deliver personalized learning so that every child reaches their potential. But while IEPs focus on reaching kids who have already experienced difficulties, edtech is supposed to level the field before students have issues.
Presented by Sammie Burman, Director, Learning and Development, BookNook
Presented by Richard K. Cohen, Assistant Superintendent, Metuchen School District (NJ); Mark Wojciechowski, Senior Director of Education Partnerships, Varsity Tutors; and Brian Galvin, Chief Academic Officer, Varsity Tutors
Presented by Sammie Burman, Director, Learning and Development, BookNook
Tutoring, it turns out, not only boosts student achievement but also heightens teacher retention, a discovery made by Dr. Tina Powell, Orange Public Schools (NJ) Assistant Superintendent of Innovation and Systems, when her district explored solutions to post-pandemic unfinished learning.