A common refrain of 21st century education is that teachers are educating students today for jobs that don’t even exist yet. But while schools may not be able to prepare students for an exact occupation, they can give them the skills they need to succeed beyond high school.
Presented by Susan Auchincloss, Project Director, CS-PLAN, Sacred Heart University (CT); Shannon Marimon, Executive Director, ReadyCT; and David Conelias, Educator, Engineer, and Entrepreneur, Milestone C
Presented by David Conelias, Educator, Engineer, and Founder and CEO of Milestone C
Moderated by Jay Meadows, Former Educator, Current CEO, Exemplars
Presented by David Conelias, Educator, Engineer, Founder and CEO of Milestone C; and Marin Trošelj, Educator, Engineer, Founder and CEO of Stemi Education
Moderated by Jay Meadows, Former Educator, Current CEO, Exemplars