Presented by Robyn Moore, Ed.D., Elementary Literacy Coordinator, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools (VA); Elise Lovejoy, MA, CEO and Founder, Express Readers; and Sharon Dunn, M.Ed., Sharon Dunn, MTSS Leadership Consultant, LLC
Moderated by Terrie Noland, Ph.D., CALP, Vice President of Educator Initiatives, Learning Ally
Presented by Dr. Lee Wright, Literacy Coach and Early Childhood Education Specialist
Presented by Tina Falbo, Instructional Literacy Coach, East Stroudsburg Area School District (PA); Suzanne Ludwig, Instructional Literacy Coach, East Stroudsburg Area School District (PA); and Stacey Leitzel, Director, Professional Learning Services, Zaner-Bloser
Presented by Dr. Sharon Vaughn, Professor and Executive Director, Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, University of Texas at Austin
Join this edWebinar to learn about the foundational reading skills that are critical for reading development and review the science behind these skills.