Presented by Mario I. Acosta, Ed.D., Educator, Author, and Associate, Marzano Resources
In this edWebinar, you will hear from experts in the field regarding best practices for professional learning opportunities and share your own examples of quality professional learning experiences.
Communication and collaboration are not the same thing. There are many tools that allow educators and administrators to talk to each other, but to take advantage of edtech’s promise, they should also be able to use the tool to work together on the same projects. In her presentation, “Collaboration Near and Far in Digital Professional Learning Communities,” Geri Gillespy, Administrator of Digital Integration at West Ada School District in ID, talked about how to get the most out of online collaboration programs.
This edWebinar showcases ways in which schools around the world are using collaborative digital learning environments for professional learning communities.
This edWebinar will provide trainers, coaches and administrators with ideas on how to engage participants during professional learning. and the Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21) announce the launch of a free community to help teachers and school leaders learn how to build a 21st century learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of work, life and citizenship.