Presented by Bari Koral, Kids Yoga Expert and Popular Recording Artist
This edWebinar, based upon the new book of the same title, offers a child-centered solution to this need—STEAM provocations that PreK to Grade 3 educators can use regularly in the classroom during segments of less-structured time.
In this edWebinar, participants will learn about what a strong foundation in reading, sounds, and text looks like for early learners. is excited to announce that Square Panda will host PreK-3 Digital Learning, a free professional learning community on edWeb. Through this community and edWebinars, Square Panda will support preK-3 educators as they navigate the rapidly changing world of edtech and the needs of early readers.
With the new Common Core State Standards, many educators have questions about how to provide math activities for students who are performing below grade level while simultaneously addressing the Common Core State Standards. In this webinar from edWeb’s PreK-3 Digital Learning community, presenters shared engaging math games for the iPad and physical math activities that can be used for instruction and student learning in inclusive pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade classrooms. Attendees learned who is at risk for math difficulties, underlying risk factors, how to build a solid foundation for early math using iPad apps, and more.
With so many apps and digital tools marketed to young children, it’s hard to know what kind of experiences children are having when engaging with them. Not all apps are created equal, and this Prek-3 Digital Learning webinar explored the issue by examining the different affordances of digital playgrounds (and playpens).
This webinar, held by edWeb’s PreK-3 Digital Learning community, helped clarify the role of gaming in education and provided webinar attendees with the information they need to effectively incorporate technology into childhood development.
When parents think of kindergarten readiness, thoughts of letters, numbers, shapes and colors come to mind. When kindergarten teachers think of kindergarten readiness, they think of Executive Function qualities that educators feel are more important than academic skills.
If you are an early childhood educator, you’ve probably been faced with challenging decisions about whether to include technology in your program. Your colleagues and parents may have preconceived ideas about technology in early learning settings. You may wonder how technology can fit in a child-centered approach. Come along with us to learn more about the top questions early educators have about technology, and pick apart the issues.