Presented by Anthony Muhammad, Ph.D., Author and Educational Speaker, Solution Tree
Presented by Mike Cronley, CEO and Cofounder of Class Composer
Presented by Matt Townsley, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, University of Northern Iowa; and Nathan Wear, Associate Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer, Linn-Mar Community School District (IA)
Presented by Shaelynn Farnsworth, National Director of Educator Outreach and Success, The News Literacy Project; Ebonee Rice, Vice President, Educator Network, The News Literacy Project; Dr. Cathy Collins, Technology Teacher/Librarian, Sharon Middle School (MA); Dr. James Stancil, Academic Support Specialist, Prairie View A&M University (TX); and Jeff Kaufman, Computer Science Teacher at a Title 1 School (NY)
In this edWebinar, you’ll learn about new tools for collaborative teams to use as they take collective responsibility to determine essential standards for both content and social-emotional learning, design developmentally appropriate assessments aligned to instruction, and monitor student progress to boost early childhood learning and development.
Join us for an edWebinar to supercharge how your PLCs collaborate around data, pinpoint student needs, and adjust instruction and intervention to support each learner.
All over the world, destructive ideologies based on cultural, religious, and ideological stereotypes are hampering development, dialogue, and understanding of the world around us. Generation Global believes that education is one of the most effective instruments in countering these ideologies. Through Generation Global, students can practice skills and dialogue, participate in facilitated videoconferences, and engage in a safe online community where they can connect with their peers around the world. and Nureva Inc. have partnered to present Digital Portfolios for K-12, a free professional learning community (PLC) for educators to share ideas and best practices around the meaningful integration of digital portfolios to empower students to take ownership of their learning. and the Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21) announce the launch of a free community to help teachers and school leaders learn how to build a 21st century learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of work, life and citizenship.