Presented by Dr. Douglas Fisher, Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University Sponsored by Achieve3000 Watch the Recording If you attended the live session, you’ll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours of the edWebinar. If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Differentiating… read more →
Summit Public Schools, a California-based charter school network, believes that personalized learning empowers teachers and helps students build the skills they need to succeed in college, career, and life. That’s why Summit is proud to share what they’ve learned in their own experience through the Summit Learning program, whose community now includes more than 100 schools, 1,100 teachers, and 20,000 students all across the country.
In this session, participants will explore alternatives to the traditional research paper that will engage students with the research process while challenging them to document their learning using innovative tools and meeting rigorous expectations.
In this session, participants will explore alternatives to the traditional research paper that will engage students with the research process while challenging them to document their learning using innovative tools and meeting rigorous expectations.
This past school year, Hilliard City Schools in Ohio convened a technology task force to decide what direction the district should move in. In this EdTech Innovators webinar, Chief Technology Officer Rich Boettner detailed how various stakeholders built a shared vision for the future of the district, which involved combining a 1-to-1 rollout with blended learning.
While New Canaan High School library has been packaging instruction for online consumption for years, it shifted its approach this year to increase personalized instruction.