This webinar will explore how two secondary librarians serve as technology innovators, teacher-leaders, co-teachers, literacy specialists, and “other duties as assigned.”
Mike Eisenberg and Janet Murray will present this Big6 by the Month webinar for educators preK-20—especially teacher-librarians—focused on meeting the ICT literacy needs of 21st Century students.
In this annual review of new developments in eContent delivery, participants learned about platforms, services, licensing options, new product “packaging,” spending models, and content availability. Michelle Luhtala also reviewed recent research on student usage of eContent, and participants discussed anticipated changes in evolving patron needs.
Schools across the country pledge to teach 21st century skills, but building a culture of collaborators can prove difficult. Luckily, Google Apps for education provides tools to transform an insular learning community into a collaborative one.
The quality of a thesis statement determines the quality of an essay. A powerful, or at least clear, thesis statement makes for a powerful, or at least clear, essay.