Presented by Steve Ventura, President and Lead Consultant, Advanced Collaborative Solutions
In this edWebinar, learn how the Vancouver Public Schools Future Ready Admin initiative builds principal capacity in digital transformation, providing personalized professional development to building leaders and engaging in problems of practice for building leadership.
Creative experiences that challenge students to observe, articulate, reimagine, and take risks help build their confidence and leadership capacity. Art can be used to develop new approaches to student leadership, while being fun for students. In “Art-Infused Student Leadership Projects,” panelists discussed how to develop leadership qualities in students through art activities.
In an earlier webinar, John Wink shared his Excellence in Every Classroom framework (EIEC), and how teachers can reach excellence through the Hierarchy of Learning. In this webinar presented by the Leadership 3.0 community, John returned to challenge educators to kick off the new school year with more clarity and support within the EIEC framework by: Leveraging technology to provide 24/7 professional learning for educators; Ensuring consistency from classroom to classroom in the school-wide expectations for behavior and learning; Developing relationships with all students in the first 20 days of school; Optimizing instructional time so that students can reach more rigorous levels of cognitive engagement.