Presented by Sara Geliebter, Associate Manager, Tutoring and Grants, San Francisco Education Fund; Air Orona, Site Director, Real Options for City Kids, Visitacion Valley Elementary School (CA); and Connie Warren, M.Ed., Thought Leadership, BookNook
High-impact tutoring and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) share a common goal: tailoring the academic experience for each and every student, no matter where they are in their journey. In order to make sure that your tutoring is effective long term for your students, district- and state-level experts in the edLeader Panel “Successfully Integrating High-Impact Tutoring Into an MTSS Framework” offered five key areas to address as you develop your program.
Presented by Susanna Loeb, Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University; Angelin Thompson, Director of Extended Academic Learning, Denver Public Schools (CO); and Sarah Wilson, Tutoring and Policy Administrator, Ohio Department of Education & Workforce
Moderated by Toni Rader, Vice President of Learning Quality and Operations, Cignition, Inc.
In 2018, Ector County Independent School District (TX) faced severe challenges. It was the lowest-achieving large school district in Texas, with a D rating, due to a teacher shortage, but by implementing high-impact tutoring programs with partners, things have turned around.
One of the biggest issues facing our students is education inequity. When students don’t have the resources they need, it’s often harder for them to succeed.
Presented by Dr. Lilia Náñez, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Ector County Independent School District (TX); Lisa Wills, Executive Director of STEM, PE/Health, and Virtual Tutoring, Ector County Independent School District (TX); and Daniel Hebert, Vice President, Product and Impact, FEV Tutor
Presented by Dr. Erin Devers, Founder, JoinIn Ventures; and Daniel Hebert, Vice President, Product and Impact, FEV Tutor
Presented by Sammie Burman, Director, Learning and Development, BookNook
Presented by Sammie Burman, Director, Learning and Development, BookNook
Presented by Yannai Segal, Global Partnerships Director, VIPTeacher; and Dan Tracy, Director of Mathematics Innovation, MIND Education