Now that online games have become so popular among K-12 students, school and district administrators can use gamification techniques to create a positive school climate and encourage positive behavior by individual students who have differing needs. Shawn Young, co-founder and CEO of Classcraft, explained during a recent edWebinar how gamification techniques can be combined with research-based approaches such as Response to Intervention (RTI), to create engaging and systematic Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
In this edWebinar, we’ll discuss how educators can create sustainable behavior change by incorporating gaming principles into their approach to PBIS.
In this edWebinar we’ll cover how to motivate your students while also fostering collaboration, creativity, and opportunity to embrace failure.
Using the same mechanics that make video games so compelling, you can transform your classroom so that students have a great time, help each other thrive, and keep coming back for more! Classcraft is a free online platform that turns any classroom into a giant role-playing game played through the school year. In his presentation, Shawn also defined what makes a good video game, how those concepts went into Classcraft’s design, and how the Classcraft platform has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of students worldwide.