It’s more important than ever to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly evolving work world. Creativity, flexibility, communication, and problem solving are among the most highly touted skills in the workplace today, yet they are often left out of the traditional K-12 curriculum.
Presented by Dr. Lazaro Lopez, Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Township High School District 214 (IL); Bob Brown, Computer Science, MobileMakersEdu Teacher, John Hersey High School, Township High School District 214 (IL); and Mike Drenth, Business, INCubatoredu Teacher, Rolling Meadows High School, Township High School District 214 (IL)
Moderated by Evo Popoff, Senior Vice President, Whiteboard Advisors
Presented by Scott Spector, VP of Business Partnerships, Coherent Educational Solutions; and Patrick Leonard, COO, MIDAS Education
Moderated by Dr. Dionne Clabaugh, VP of Learning, Teaching, Engagement, Coherent Educational Solutions
Presented by Evin Jarrett, Building Trades Instructor, Philadelphia School District (PA); Betsy Beers, High School CTE Teacher, Fort Wayne Community Schools (IN); and Cindy Haley, CTE Teacher, McLain High School for Science & Technology (OK)
Moderated by Toni Rose Deanon, Community Engagement Manager, The Modern Classrooms Project
Presented by Mark Wreath, CTE Director, Vancouver Public Schools (WA); Enrique Medina, Ph.D., Director of Career Readiness, Pomona Unified School District (CA); and Renda Songer, Teaching & Learning Consultant, Region 10 Education Service Center (TX)
Moderated by Gabe Soumakian, Ed.D., Retired Superintendent, Consultant, Sup Du Jour Consulting Group