Presented by Karen L. Mapp, Ed.D., Professor of Practice, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Anne T. Henderson, Founder and Senior Consultant, National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE); and Jenni Brasington, National Director, FACE, Scholastic
Chronic absenteeism—students missing 10 or more school days in a year—has been rising across the United States. A recent study by Panorama Education showed that absenteeism nearly doubled from 2018-19 to 2023-24. That means more students missing out not just on academic learning but also on opportunities to connect with teachers and peers, impacting their future. During the edLeader Panel “Improving Attendance: Levers Within Your District’s Locus of Control,” district leaders identified key strategies that have helped get students back in the classroom.
Presented by Dr. Jodi Nocero, Director, Pupil Services, Oxnard School District (CA); Tara Ramirez, Manager of Federal and State Grants, Oxnard School District (CA); Dr. Kelvin Roldán, Deputy Commissioner for System Transformation, Rhode Island Department of Education; and Douglas Coulter, Director of Data Science, Panorama Education
Moderated by Meagan Naboulsi, Account Manager, Panorama Education
The best lesson plans and classrooms don’t make a difference if the students aren’t present. Chronic absenteeism poses a significant challenge for students, so what can be done about it?
Presented by Dr. Joshua P. Starr, Managing Partner, The Center for Model Schools; Dr. Jessica Huizenga, Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools; Elliot Ransom, Co-CEO, UChicago Impact; and Dr. Joe Gothard, Superintendent of Schools, Madison Metropolitan School District (WI), and 2024 National Superintendent of the Year
Presented by Sharon Bradley, District Director, Author and Speaker, RestorativeFlo Educational Solutions
Moderated by Kyra Rhoads, Education Partnership Regional Manager, Committee for Children
Presented by Dr. Jeff Dillon, Superintendent, Wilder School District (ID); Melissa Dilling, CTE Coordinator, Marysville School District (WA); and Terry Thoren, CEO, Wonder Media
During the edLeader Panel “Decreasing Absenteeism and Its Effects with Meaningful Strategies,” Brian Marques, Sr. Director of Opportunity Youth for Boston Public Schools (MA), Aspen Florence, Educational Consultant for the Utah State Board of Education, and Cecelia Leong, Vice President of Programs for Attendance Works, provided insights into leveraging Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and innovative approaches to understand and address chronic absenteeism and attendance barriers.
Presented by Brian Marques, Sr. Director of Opportunity Youth, Boston Public Schools (MA); Aspen Florence, Educational Consultant, Utah State Board of Education; Cecelia Leong, Vice President of Programs, Attendance Works; and Nicole DellaRocco, Senior Account Director, Panorama Education
Presented by Patti Moon, Chief Communication Officer, Aurora Public Schools (CO); Simón Miera, Senior Partner Success Manager, TalkingPoints; and Kate Pechacek, Senior Director of Partner Success, TalkingPoints