Presented by Deana Moss, Director of MTSS, Lakota Local School District (OH); Todd Hartman, Principal, Creekside Early Childhood School (OH); Jessica Skelton, Assistant Principal, Creekside Early Childhood School (OH); and Ashlie Cox, Customer Success Manager, Branching Minds
Presented by Anne Valvoda, Education Consultant, Curriculum Specialist; and Roxanne Thompson, OTR, Occupational Therapist, Learning Without Tears
Presented by Tyrrell Jeffries, Director, K-12 Initiatives, Active Minds; Sheina Koolik, Program Associate, K-12 Engagement, Active Minds; and Ashley Hill, Senior Manager, K-12 Partnerships, Active Minds
Presented by Jane Choi, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Committee for Children
Presented by Tania Ferrandino, National Presenter, Learning Without Tears; and Valerie Zaryczny, OTR/L, Learning Without Tears
In this edWebinar, we explore the metacognitive and social-emotional skills to best help students navigate this academic and personal life with success, as well as how educators can reinforce these skills, whether in person or at a distance.
In this edWebinar learn how five evidence-based instructional best practices help English Learner students engage in classroom instruction.
The NewSchools Venture Fund (a nonprofit philanthropy organization working to transform public education) released a report titled, Dissatisfied but Optimistic, which outlines the need for and a path toward developing new models of school.