This edWebinar will show you how easy and painless device implementation can be! Learn how you can improve your student readiness for technology, enrich learning, foster 21st-century skills, and promote academic development. and have started a new, free professional learning community geared toward helping educators prepare students with the skills they need to excel in today’s increasingly digital world. By 2020, it is estimated that nearly 80% of jobs will require some level of technology proficiency. Students must be given the opportunity to learn and develop digital literacy skills, and makes it easy for educators to teach students these critical skills with online tools and lessons.
Educators who attend this webinar can expect to learn the characteristics of authentic performance-based tasks and assessments, examine practical design tools for creating such tasks, and receive a list of valuable recommended resources.
Are you getting frustrated as you try to bring 21st century tools and skills into classrooms at your school? Have you gotten stuck on how to encourage your colleagues and administrators to embrace the technology and skills necessary to prepare our students to be college bound and career ready? In this edWeb webinar hosted by the Digital Citizenship community, Jeff Downing, an Elementary Computer Specialist in Fremont USD, shared some valuable lessons he has learned over the past three years as he implemented a technology plan at his school site, including lessons learned from incorporating digital citizenship throughout the curricula.
It’s time for our annual app review! Participants discovered apps that change the way students and teachers think about learning. The presentation featured apps that promote essential 21st century learning skills – creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
Individuals ages 20-34 comprise nearly 25% of the total new entrepreneurial activity in the United States. While many educational programs that support entrepreneurship focus on experience or simulations related to business, there are malleable skills that support student readiness for entrepreneurship that can be introduced and developed at the classroom level. Building from current research, Metiri Group has identified specific skills that are critical to developing a readiness for entrepreneurship in students.
Millennials have formidable capacity for 21st century learning – communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. They excel in these areas when empowered to learn in an educational environment founded on respect and trust.
With this webinar,’s new community, The Digital Educator: Skills for Success, kicked off its webinar program and professional learning community! In the community’s inaugural webinar, Roxanne and Meredith, two deeply passionate EdTech consultants, shared tips, tricks, and broader strategies to develop a 21st-century skillset and deliver the instruction that will most benefit your students.