Do’s and Don’ts of Integrating Tech in Schools
Are you getting frustrated as you try to bring 21st century tools and skills into classrooms at your school? Have you gotten stuck on how to encourage your colleagues and administrators to embrace the technology and skills necessary to prepare our students to be college bound and career ready? In this edWeb webinar hosted by the Digital Citizenship community, Jeff Downing, an Elementary Computer Specialist in Fremont USD, shared some valuable lessons he has learned over the past three years as he implemented a technology plan at his school site, including lessons learned from incorporating digital citizenship throughout the curricula.
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Digital Citizenship is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides ideas and discussions about how to help kids be safe, responsible, and respectful participants in a digital world. This community will help you stay connected, share ideas, and get support from colleagues on issues such as: cyberbullying, privacy, digital footprints, copyright and plagiarism, information literacy, and Internet safety. This program is hosted by Common Sense Education.
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