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Leading by Design Landing Page

View the recordings and listen to the podcasts from this
September to November edWebinar series

The Art of Implementing Well

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 | 5 - 6pm Eastern Time

Effective leaders have a lasting impact on implementation. They know how to create opportunities for change, opportunities for collaboration, and how to measure progress to fuel success.


How to Make Student Feedback Actionable

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 | 2 - 3pm Eastern Time

When setting school goals, what if we asked students, and incorporated their views of their learning experience into those goals? What does the research say about the efficacy of using student voice?


The Knowledge Gap: How It Affects Reading Performance and How to Fix It

Monday, October 9, 2023 | 3 - 4pm Eastern Time

Our students' performance on the whole on national reading tests has not improved over the past two decades (NAEP 2023). More troubling, the gap in scores between socioeconomic groups has remained stubbornly wide. Why?


School Improvement: Built on a Foundation of “Knowing What Works”

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | 2 - 3pm Eastern Time

Effective school improvement creates a shared sense of enthusiasm and efficacy toward common goals and has life-changing impacts on students. How can we ensure this will happen?


Checking In On School Climate

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 | 2 - 3pm Eastern Time

Measuring community experiences - those of students, staff, and parents - can provide strategic insights and can impact educator growth, student outcomes, and community support. How do we measure what matters?


How To Smooth the Transition and Speed the Effectiveness of Beginning Teachers

Thursday, November 2, 2023 | 2 - 3pm Eastern Time

Knowing what works with classroom instruction gives our beginning teachers and the school leaders who mentor and coach them a tremendous advantage in securing positive student outcomes. It is a foundational support for both teacher and student learning and growth.


Once a week. Start the year off right.

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